Dr. Chris Henson
Dr Henson is a chiropractor practicing in Niagara Falls, ON. He received his undergraduate degree from Queen’s University in 1992 and his Doctor of Chiropractic from Chicago in 1995. Dr Henson has been doing ART since 1998 and is now an ART instructor and part of the Elite Provider Network. He works with athletes at all levels and has worked as an ART DOC at the Ironman in San Diego, Florida, and at this years 25th Anniversary race in HI and also has advanced training in golf biomechanics and uses ART to help with golf related injuries and improve golf performance He has been a consultant for professional athletes from the NFL, NHL, CFL, as well as world class Track and Field focusing on injury recovery and performance enhancement. Dr Henson also helps instruct Medical Acupuncture through the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program at McMaster University.